Frequently asked questions

Our reports

We try to profile every non-financial report worldwide, across all sectors and including all types of organisation. Every report must be a ‘real’ report with data and a timeline. We include both stand-alone non-financial reports and annual (financial) reports providing they either include at least 6 pages of relevant non-financial information, or the entire report is ‘integrated’ (ie it includes both financial and non-financial information throughout, preferably using a standard reporting framework). See Q2 for an outline of these three main report types.

We feature a wide range of non-financial report types including but not restricted to CSR, Sustainability, ESG, Environment, DEI (Diversity, Equality & Inclusivity), GRI, Human Rights, SASB, TCFD, Climate, Responsible Investment.


We only feature reports which use a ‘latin script’. This means we do not profile reports which are in non-latin scripts such as Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic etc.

If a report is available in several languages, we always take the English version. This is because our site user audience is global. If no English version is available then we will add the report in another language – Spanish, German, French etc.

Our reporting organisations

Most of our reports are from corporates, but we also feature reports from the education sector (universities and schools), non-profits (campaign groups and charities), trade organisations, Government departments and others. The criterium is whether the document is a non-financial report which meets our guidelines. If it is, and it’s in a latin script (such as English) then we will usually add it to the database. This is a free service.

Reports we don’t profile

If the issuing organisation has restrictions on report distribution, for example if the website states that a report is not allowed to be accessed outside a specific jurisdiction, or may be accessed only by individuals with specific qualifications, or if a formal request needs to be made before a report can be downloaded (such as completing an online form) then we do not take such reports without explicit permission from the issuing organisation.

We prefer reports in PDF as they are archivable and searchable. Some reports are online only with no PDF and we usually do not include them on the website. If you publish non-financial reports which are not profiled it may be because we can’t download them. Send us a PDF version and we’ll include it free of charge. Or become an Affiliate and then we’ll link to your online reports.

How to remove – or add – your reports

We assume all non-financial reports are intended to be in the public domain, and that report issuers welcome the inclusion of their reports on our database in the interests of wide distribution. If this assumption is misplaced then we will remove any report or reports: Just send an email to [email protected] with ‘Remove my report’ in the subject line, together with your details for our records, and we will remove, confirm, and place an appropriate note on our website.

If you are with a reporting organisation and you think we’ve missed one or more of your reports and you’d like them added, please send an email to [email protected] with ‘New report’ in the subject line. Thank you!

On the search page, you can search by main report type. We classify every report into one of three categories:

An Annual report is an organisation’s annual financial report. In many cases these are mandatory reports, which a company is obliged to publish annually for regulators, shareholders and other interested parties. Where Annual Reports include a specific section of at least 6 pages on non-financial issues, they can be included on Corporate Register.

Integrated Reports are reports which include both financial and non-financial information throughout, ie the non-financial information is not restricted to a discrete section but occurs throughout the report.

A ‘standalone’ report is one which communicates aspects of non-financial performance. Such a report can include several issues across the organisation’s performance (eg CSR, Sustainability and ESG reports) or focus on single issues or aspects such as Human Rights, Climate Change, the Supply Chain, Deforestation etc. We also host reports which focus on reporting frameworks (GRI, SASB, WEF, TCFD reports) as standalone reports. Standalone reports are usually published on a voluntary basis, although there is a trend for Governments to require large companies to report on climate-related issues, and for stock exchanges to require reporting using specific frameworks as a condition of company listing.

We offer our resources free of charge for our users, who can sign up with a free account. Our users need to register with an email address which shows which organisation they are linked with, as we don’t allow registrations with generic emails such as Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo etc.

This free registration allows a set quota of search results and profile views / downloads monthly – once the quota is reached, it will reset automatically within a month. This is intended for light use, not the intensive or systematic use which many reporting professionals such as investors and academics may require. Our users can purchase site credits to view and download report profiles once the quota is exceeded, and for larger datasets we offer a ‘CR Data Package’ service which meets most professional requirements.

All reports from our Affiliates may be freely downloaded without any restriction, both from the home page (no registration necessary) and from within the site for registered users.

We no longer offer user Membership. So the option where a user could become a ‘Member’ with privileged access for an annual fee no longer exists. Now everyone can purchase site credits, with discounts for academics and non-profits.

If you need a large dataset, for example for academic research or for investment purposes, then we can offer you a comprehensive ‘CR Data Package’ service.

There are a number of reporting frameworks: Some are global and can be used across all sectors, and others are regional or sector-specific. We focus on the global ones, and you can search for them on this site either singly or in combination. We make sure every report on our site is checked to see if it references one or more of these frameworks.

You can search for reports referencing some of these frameworks, and there are some additional frameworks which you can’t search for but which are noted in the relevant report profiles.

A brief overview of the searchable reporting frameworks:

Global Compact – Global Compact is a United Nations initiative whereby businesses sign up to a framework of ten principles in the fields of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption, and commit to report on the implementation of these principles (such reports are called a ‘Communication on Progress’ (CoP). Corporate Register collates and references these CoPs.

GRI – The Global Reporting Initiative is a multi-stakeholder initiative which has released several versions of its reporting framework, in 2002, 2006 (G3) and 2013 (G4). More recently it no longer follows a framework but instead uses ‘Standards’, issued in 2016 and 2021.  We profile reports following these Standards and all the previous frameworks.

IIRC – The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) developed an integrated reporting framework for companies compiling integrated (financial and non-financial) reports, based on six ‘Capitals’. Corporate Register classifies reports at two levels, using a method developed jointly with the IIRC: Level 1: IIRC and/or the & IR Framework are referenced in the report. Level 2: IIRC and/or the IR Framework are referenced in the report and at least two of the capitals are reported against. The IIRC now forms part of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB)

SASB – The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) was a US-based non-profit organisation founded in 2011 to develop a set of metrics based on ESG principles by which companies can measure and report across a range of corporate documents. These metrics are specific for each industry, and sets of metrics have been developed for 77 industries across 11 business sectors. Corporate Register references the reports whenever the SASB metrics are included, whether in standalone reports, annual reports or integrated reports. The SASB organisation now forms part of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB)

SDGs – Sustainable Development Goals (17 goals set by the United Nations). We don’t reference the individual goals, what we do is to indicate whether the report addresses one or more of the SDGs.

TCFD – The Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures was an organisation founded in 2015 to develop a reporting framework by which companies can communicate their climate-related risks and mitigation progress to investors. Corporate Register references the reports which include this framework. The organisation itself disbanded in 2023 but the framework continues to be used by organisations for climate-related disclosures

WEF – The World Economic Forum is an international non-governmental organisation based in Switzerland and founded in 1971. It developed a framework of reporting metrics it calls ‘Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics’ (SCM) and Corporate Register references where these metrics are used in the reports we host.

We also include one assurance standard:

AA1000 – Third party assurance of non-financial reports is important in establishing the accuracy and reliability of the information reported. The AA1000 Assurance Standard (AA1000AS) is an assurance framework introduced in three stages (2003, 2008, 2020) based on principles of inclusivity, materiality and responsiveness.

Additional frameworks which you can’t search for but which are referenced in report profiles:

ESRS – European Sustainability Reporting Standards (being introduced across the 27 member states of the European Union)

TNFD – The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures

UNCTAD – reporting metrics developed by the UN Trade and Development

UNGP – United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

If you produce reports which are profiled on our site we offer several services.

We should already provide a free profile of your organisation on the website – do take a look.

If you are registered as a site user, send an email to [email protected] and we will show you how to find your profile and reports.

You can upgrade to become an ‘Affiliate’ which will give you a range of benefits:

  • All your reports are free to view on the site, regardless of when they were published. So if you have published several reports every year for the past ten years, all those reports will be free to view
  • You can select one of your reports to be ‘Featured’, usually your most recent main standalone report. This report is Featured on our home page, freely downloadable for anyone, including non-registered users. This Featured report is also prioritised in our Search results – whenever it’s included in the Search results, it heads the listing.
  • Your free site profile is upgraded with:
    • Your logo and a link to your own website
    • A description of your company
    • If your reports are online (html) we will link to them. All the reports from non-Affiliates are in PDF only, we don’t link to online reports by non-Affiliates

If you’re considering upgrading to ‘Affiliate’ you can find information here.

We have an extensive Service Provider directory as part of Corporate Register.

If you are a Consultant, Designer, Assuror or Printer and have worked on reports profiled on the site, your organisation will be referenced as part of each report profile.

If you’ve worked on reports we profile but we haven’t referenced your involvement, let us know and we’ll add the reference as part of our free service – send an email to [email protected]

Our Service Provider Directory already features a free profile for your organisation – take a look!

You can upgrade your free basic profile to Silver or Gold – more information here.

If you need us to make changes to your organisation’s profile or the reports profiled on Corporate Register (for example you’d like us to add some previous reports, or to make sure we know about your next upcoming ones) just get in touch: [email protected]

You need your password and email address to access the site. If you’ve forgotten your Password there’s a ‘Forgot your password’ feature on the login page. If you have problems or questions just email us at [email protected]

We’re a small private limited company based in the UK. Our Director has been involved in non-financial reporting for over 30 years, and created Corporate Register to serve as a focal point for global non-financial reporting information.

We provide information on the most significant non-financial reporting frameworks (SASB, WEF etc) but are independent from all of them. We feel our stakeholders are best served by a website which is comprehensive, rigorous and independent. We do not accept any grants, donations or sponsorships for the operation of our website, nor do we rely on advertising or third party marketing.

Our revenue is generated by providing reporting information to our stakeholders (mainly investors and academics) as well as by enhancing the profiles of some of the reporters and service providers featured on the website. We reserve the right not to provide services to some individuals and organisations which in our judgement do not share the same CSR and ESG values we aspire to.